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joggle123 t1_jb9y9ln wrote

I got a half cord delivered by a dude on Facebook for 180 I’ve had enough for fires the entire winter and gave some to my neighbors


pretzel_enjoyer t1_jb9ztlq wrote

The free section of craigslist is my first place to look. Seems like there's some for free ready for pick up in Mt Airy:


FormalManifold t1_jba7vyr wrote

If you can stock up over the summer when people do tree work, and let it season till the next winter, you really don't need to buy.


Lunamothknits t1_jbac2am wrote

But just be sure about the wood you're taking, some shouldn't be used indoors.


Allemaengel t1_jbag7dm wrote

I heat my entire house with a woodstove using scrounged wood I need to cut, split and stack.

I'd add that that list of no-go woods includes anything still green; treated/creosoted/painted/stained lumber; and any conifer.


jimsinspace t1_jbbbka9 wrote

I thought I scored the mother load the other day before I found it had termite infestation. I decided not to risk bringing that near my house.


Allemaengel t1_jbens5e wrote

Smart. Never worth it.

No termites up here in the Poconos but with such a mild winter, carpenter ants didn't die off and everything's gotta be checked for them too.


kittylover3210 OP t1_jbah0dk wrote

this would be used for a fire pit in the summer with limited storage space for stockpiling wood


justanawkwardguy t1_jbbfyxm wrote

Just look on craigslist like a week before you need it, there's always someone trying to get rid of wood


naked_macaroni t1_jbbejd1 wrote

The recycling center in fairmount park has free firewood but you have to cut it up yourself. BYO chainsaw


HerrDoktorLaser t1_jbc3yse wrote

There's a ton that gets offered up for free from various arborists across the city, and there are also a lot of undeveloped lots scattered around (especially in the NW) where deadfall is free for the taking.


Crackrock9 t1_jbdbtun wrote

Craigslist is a good place to look. I’ve seen listings for free firewood even, some people just have firewood that they want removed from their property