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Fattom23 OP t1_jadrl4w wrote

>Locally, the Philadelphia Parking Authority told NBC10 that cars with the VIN numbers covered or a license plate missing will be ticketed and towed.

This part is a pure lie. I've been told by both PPA and PPD that there's nothing they can do if the plate is missing and the VIN is covered. This is after reporting the same vehicle a couple of times a week for over a year.


martymoran t1_jadugsj wrote

100% lie all you have to do is take your plate off and park wherever you want


Thndrcougarfalcnbird t1_jadvd14 wrote

Even if they have a plate they will do nothing. There's a car with California plates with the sunroof open parked on Pennsylvania Ave that's been there for almost a year that we're reported and we got nothing. Its ridiculous


nayls142 t1_jaeib4l wrote

Report it as having missing inspection stickers.


cizzop t1_jaelxk0 wrote

100% a lie. There are two people on my block who do this. I told the PPA guy I could even tell them the license plate number (it was sitting upside down on the seat) and they still wouldn't do anything. They said he wouldn't even bother because he couldn't take a picture of it.

I can't even blame the drivers. Why would I pay for permit parking when it's this easy to get around it and I can park wherever I want?


Fattom23 OP t1_jaembpa wrote

The permit parking is whatever, I guess (although it's annoying), but people are doing this to park in bus loading zones, crosswalks, sidewalks, bike lanes or wherever. That stuff is dangerous and it seems no one in charge seems to care about our safety.


avo_cado t1_jadznaa wrote

Hypothetically, could one put a fake plate on it?


LFKhael t1_jae29ko wrote

You can put a fucking Primo's flyer on it.

Source: That SUV that parks across from Primo's on 9th St.


insearchofbeer t1_jae4m0d wrote

Just cover it with something. The PPA isn't allowed to touch your car, so they can't remove whatever is covering your license plate. My neighbor has been parking illegally on our block as long as we've lived here by just covering half his plate.


Edited for clarity: they're not allowed to touch a car's license plate.


avo_cado t1_jae5dog wrote

I’m saying if you wanted a car with no plate towed, could you put a fake plate on it?


Fattom23 OP t1_jae78c2 wrote

You would have to put a fake plate, call the cops, cross your fingers that they come out and don't notice that the plate probably doesn't match the car, hope they ticket it, and then report the illegally parked vehicle to the police for towing. By that point, the driver has gotten at least 4-5 hours of free, illegal parking. Why would anyone follow the rules?


justanawkwardguy t1_jaeb5bv wrote

That’s not really true, they touch cars all the time while putting tickets on them