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babywithahugedick t1_j7zzwfk wrote

Fuck man we almost had it


bxball t1_j804uj2 wrote

No you didn't. It was never going to happen.


Glystopher t1_j807ffe wrote

We need to do something about the “powers that be”


Hoyarugby t1_j80kxqs wrote

the powers that be meaning most Democratic primary voters?


Tegoto t1_j84ibga wrote

The powers that be meaning capitalism.


Glystopher t1_j813lo8 wrote

Anyone that stands in the way of progress


jbphilly t1_j88iwug wrote

If by "it" you mean "not a Trump presidency," then yes, we almost had that. Could have had it if a bunch of butthurt leftists had been more interested in doing what was good for the country and voted, instead of obsessing about posturing and ideological purity. But nope, hating Hillary was more important than hating Trump, and now we have a fascist supermajority on the Supreme Court, taking away more of our rights every year. Great job!

If by "it" you mean "Bernie getting the Democratic nomination," then no, the math was never there. People were kidding themselves.

And I voted for him in both '16 and '20, I just had realistic expectations. And even if by some fluke he had ended up president, he wouldn't have had the ability to usher in a progressive paradise, because as you might have noticed, even moderate policies like Biden's can barely get through Congress. In a country where rural states have massively outsize power in the Senate, you can elect the most far-left president you want, that doesn't get you any closer to Medicare For All or anything else. It sucks but that's the reality we live in.


New_Stats t1_j815hbj wrote

had what, a fucking cult? Yeah, we know, we watched in horror as it happened. Thank god most came to their senses, look at the fucking #demexit shit, that's Republican propaganda ffs


soylentcoleslaw t1_j84275y wrote

More democrat primary voters flipped from Clinton to McCain in 2008 than flipped from Bernie to Trump in 2016. That's a fact. The cult is on the right, it was loosely organized and the racism was veiled until Clinton ran one of the shittiest campaigns imaginable and put the rate of destruction of political discourse in the US into warp speed. If there's a problem with voters, it's with the vast swaths of the public that supports progressive ideas but won't vote for them because they're scared that the other 70% of the country that also supports them is too chicken to do likewise.


Daddie76 t1_j866pxq wrote

> That’s a fact.


Exit polls say 84% of Hillary supporters voted for Obama


The poll people use to say more Hillary voter flipped for McCain was an opinion poll done during the primary. (

Only 74.3% of Bernie's primary voters voted for Hillary.

Here is a table of the results(, as prepared by 538. As you can see, at least 24% of Bernie's primary voters voted against Hillary in the general election. And I'm sure you all remember this, but enough of them voted for Jill Stein to throw the election in MI, PA, and WI.


New_Stats t1_j84a5u9 wrote

Clinton and McCain didn't have a rabid following. Trump and Sanders did. You act like I didn't see the crazy populism and the cult of personality with my own eyes.

>If there's a problem with voters

The problem is populism, it's destructive. And this shit right here is exactly why progressives don't do better, the utter contempt for voters you need in order to have your politicians win is always there, always mentioned. It's not just left wing populists it's their elected leaders and campaign staff too. The "I have the only correct politics and how you idiots don't see it is beyond me" is terrifying for non populists because it's the beginning of authoritarianism


soylentcoleslaw t1_j84eit2 wrote

Both sides! Both sides! I'm too much of a pussy to try to stand up for basic human rights and the bare minimum quality of life for the general public that I'll compare the people advocating for those things with literal fascists. Fuck off. Yes I do have contempt for you fence sitters, you like to think that you're the reasonable ones when your only goal is to just try not to make things worse than they already are and you wonder why elections are so razor thin between you and right wing fascism.