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Mcjibblies t1_ja2gbgh wrote

Just read the article and look at the policy prescriptions, or, lack there of.

Might be a sign of the times in politics that we can’t get anyone to stand up and say “we need more tax revenue from our giants” or “the police budget shouldn’t be the largest expenditure in the city if we have 500 shootings a year” or “let’s highlight the impact of the nonprofits not paying taxes” or “perhaps a soda tax supposed to generate money for childcare, half that money shouldn’t just be put back into the general fund” or “F the PPA”.

There’s No policy prescriptions anymore. It’s all “let’s evaluate….” Type stuff. We are selecting the best evaluator, I suppose. We need doers though, peeps.


datruesurfer t1_ja61zoi wrote

Yep, I reached out to her campaign twice to ask a simple question about a vacancy in the mayors cabinet and her plans to nominate someone if elected. Stonewalled both times. Asked Jeff Brown's campaign the same question and quickly got an answer back on how he plans to fill the leadership positions at the top and many other positions at city hall. Unless something major happens between now and May 16th I am voting for Jeff Brown in the primary.


dotcom-jillionaire t1_ja7jful wrote

what did the brown campaign say?


datruesurfer t1_ja9dbp6 wrote

"The city has an incredible number employee vacancies at all departments and levels of government, it’s estimated to be 5,000 open positions. If I become mayor I plan to hire for all open leadership posts than have a major hiring effort to fill our other vacancies. I also plan to work on changing the workplace culture to be a more particle experience for the city’s workers. This city has a lot of issues, I’m well aware of most of them and plan to be very responsive to fix our major problems."

It may be a vague answer but at least they bothered to respond. Make no mistake, I'm not thrilled about voting for a businessman with no government experience. But I find almost all the other candidates for mayor to be absolutely repulsive.

I'll vote for Rebecca in the general election if nominated in the primary. If any of the other six candidates win I will probably write someone in/vote 3rd party. All Philadelphians deserve better.