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Joey_Brakishwater t1_ja8rtmp wrote

I never understood why they bring out the scab rat when they lose an open shop project. I would never cross a picket line but like bro your bid lost, that's not strike breaking. You won't win every project, it's an inescapable reality of the construction industry.


kilometr t1_ja8sxbn wrote

I know they tend to go to construction sites that hired non-union labor from the onset. I wouldn’t call it scab labor (although they may) since it wasn’t like they were hired originally then replaced.


Joey_Brakishwater t1_ja97inn wrote

Yep, that's exactly what they do. Like you, I also don't consider it scab labor. I think they just believe there shouldn't be any open shop projects in the city.


FasterThanTW t1_jaavzxh wrote

>I never understood why

because the trade unions' business model is getting as close to the legal edge of extortion and coercion as they possibly can rather than competing in an open market.