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mortgagepants t1_j7hkwtu wrote

i hate that cafe BS. i don't want a $5 cappuccino after a run or a bike ride. just pay an attendant to keep the place tidy and stock the vending machines. good grief.


John_EightThirtyTwo t1_j7j5rwj wrote

OK, but do you mind if I buy a cappuccino? I mean, I agree that you shouldn't be forced to buy one.

I guess my view is that cappuccino should be neither compulsory nor prohibited.


Hashslingingslashar t1_j7jbtws wrote

Can’t upvote this enough. People are so quick to hate on things other people want when it barely affects them and I don’t get it.


mortgagepants t1_j7kkmxm wrote

No, I don't mind at all if anyone buys cappuccino. what bothers me is they use tax payer money to fix it, which i'm fine with, but then they just expect the opening, closing, cleaning, and maintenance to be done by..."cafe".

except whomever owns the cafe expects it to make a profit. so now the water bottle filling things dont work, because they make more money selling bottles of water. now they're only open a few hours a day, because that is the busiest time. after a season or two, it is basically a tax-payer funded private business building that nobody who isn't free saturday afternoons between 9-3 can use.

i would love to go on a nice long run and finish with an espresso and a beer, but not at the expense of everyone else in the general public.