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PhillyPanda t1_ja3avxr wrote

> Alabama and Florida were the first and second most travelled to states

Seems… wrong.


Vexithan t1_ja4910n wrote

Florida makes sense for reasons that are obvious. Alabama doesn’t make sense at first but their Gulf coast is SUPER popular especially for college kids. From what I understand, spring break there is as big or bigger than in FL


ColdJay64 OP t1_ja3cxc4 wrote

Haha I’m not sure what that random sentence contradicting the rest of the article is doing at the end. Maybe they meant traveled from? Which would also seem wrong.


herpaderpadont t1_ja3f7vs wrote

PA is 2nd most popular but 3rd most travelled to. Meaning people likes it more, but it was travelled to slightly less than AL and FL.