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Philodemus1984 t1_j96c5zk wrote

On a somewhat related note, my understanding is that a good number of addicts/mentally ill/unhoused people/etc are originally from the burbs and often their issues began while still living in the burbs (for example they first became addicted while living in the burbs). If so, then suburbanites are often exporting their problems (drug addiction/mental illness/etc) to our city. And then many of these suburbanites point their fingers at us and say that our city is a shithole for having to actually deal with these problems rather than export them elsewhere.


burrata-academy t1_j96e9hx wrote

Just anecdotal evidence, but I grew up in the burbs—a really nice one tbh—and have run into classmates on the El suffering from addiction. Have family members who have ended up down in Kensington addicted to heroin.

I always joke that if you’re raised in the suburbs you end up in the city, one way or another: either for college, for a better job, or with a drug addiction. All the “City Bad Suburbs Perfect” people never want to hear it though.


Zhuul t1_j96d2rq wrote

Please be as critical as you want of this number because I have no idea how accurate such a survey can be but I’ve seen it estimated that ~60% of the homeless population in Philly is from somewhere else.


sandwichpepe t1_j96equl wrote

many many addicts on the streets of kensington are from the suburbs originally


PhillyPanda t1_j96grj3 wrote

Philadelphia is a destination drug city. But that’s a fault of philadelphia. We attract people from out of town to come here with our drug culture.

We’re also a destination healthcare city and do the same with our hospitals and that’s a huge pro for philly.

I dont think you can only accept the suburban transplants for the good things while not acknowledging it’s Philly’s flaws that are ultimately drawing people with drug addictions here.