Recent comments in /f/personalfinance

Mekaiyo OP t1_jeh3px6 wrote

Awesome thank you so much! This is what I was looking for! Hopefully I don’t owe the gov next year! So basically if the IRS calculator says I need to withhold $200 each pay check, I do $200 X 26 = $5200 for the yearly amount?


Full_Prune7491 t1_jeh3ncq wrote

I have to pay child support except the kids and their mother, my wife live with me full time. I just don’t get to call it child support.

This guy makes so much money, has capital gains which means he made money when he sold his house yet is broke. None of this makes any sense. A guy like this usually says he just bought a new truck because he can’t ride his motorcycle because it’s raining and his other car is only for the weekends.

Stop spending money. Pay off your debts. No magic solution.


TipToeTurrency t1_jeh3iuf wrote

If you’re sure you’ll be employed for the duration of the 401K loan, then it’s a smart move. Otherwise you’ll be forced to pay back the loan in full if you lose your job.


wijwijwij t1_jeh3fgb wrote

The W-4 subtitle makes it seem like that line is just for people who have dependents (child tax credit), but the instructions say you can use it for other purposes, such as your idea of getting your withholding to be more accurate.


maca77aq t1_jeh2xu6 wrote

I found myself owing the IRS 18k last year. What I did was hop on a payment plan. They let you choose the amount you'll pay, so you can pick something manageable. Toss any bonuses and extra cash towards paying it off. You'll accrue interest on the outstanding balance, but it's a small amount to pay and is not capitalized.

You may also want to head over to r/whitecoatinvestor, which is a better forum for people with high incomes who are trying to work through financial questions.