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nails_for_breakfast t1_j6drwbe wrote

What do you mean when you say you don't need emergency money? Is your emergency fund somewhere else or do you literally believe that you don't need an emergency fund?


jws1300 OP t1_j6dssty wrote

I guess I shouldnt say I dont need it, theres always a chance. If I need a couple grand I can reach out to the folks or something.

*this would be an extreme emergency btw


LordOfTheStrings8 t1_j6dxeq2 wrote

Wouldn't you feel better knowing you have the money on hand though? I have some recent debt I could pay off right now but choose not to simply because I don't want to use my emergency fund.


jws1300 OP t1_j6e0e3k wrote

Depends on if that debt was higher interest than what savings was pulling... Which answers my original OP question - I just didnt know if there was anything crafty these days to give me an even better position that I was missing.


LordOfTheStrings8 t1_j6e0kw1 wrote

It doesn't hurt to ask. My debt interest is like 6% so it sucks to have but it will be paid off soon without paying too much in interest.