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t-poke t1_j6ol3uj wrote

I highly doubt you got robbed, you are likely not interpreting the numbers correctly. The sales contract will lay everything out.


This_Neighborhood511 OP t1_j6olb3m wrote

Maybe I am is there anyway once I get the paperwork I can block out personnel information and ya can show me where I’m misunderstanding


1hotjava t1_j6onbcu wrote

Never get rid of the paperwork when buying a car. They don’t have to provide you copies after the fact so you are at their mercy to actually provide it.


This_Neighborhood511 OP t1_j6oniv2 wrote

Thank you for letting me know I’ll take this information and definitely use it in future financial decisions I appreciate it and thank you for replying


BoxingRaptor t1_j6omutb wrote

When did you finance, and why do you not still have your own copy?

Anyway, the numbers should all add up very clearly. There should be a line by line breakdown of what it is that you're paying for.

Most of the time with threads like these, it turns out that the OP signed up for a warranty plan and didn't realize it. Those can usually run a few thousand, so that may very well be what happened. If that turns out to be what happened with you, you can usually cancel those warranties.


This_Neighborhood511 OP t1_j6onbmm wrote

I’m not gonna lie to you I just turned 21 I don’t know much about finances and just recently took an interest in it cuz I’m welding now and I wanna secure my future and lost my paperwork when I was moving out my mom can’t find it either


BoxingRaptor t1_j6oohlu wrote

Understood. Just try not to panic. As everyone is saying, it's highly unlikely that you actually got screwed here (well...not more screwed than a dealership is normally expected to screw, anyway). The "missing" $4,000 is almost certainly various taxes and fees, and possibly some type of warranty. The taxes and fees you can't do anything about, that's a part of buying a car, but if you did sign up for some sort of warranty, you may be able to cancel that.


This_Neighborhood511 OP t1_j6ooykm wrote

Thank you I’m not l trying to panic that’s just a sizable amount of money for someone in my position and age I just wanna make sure my hard earned money was used and applied properly and didn’t just line someone’s pockets as a bonus


Celodurismo t1_j6owe2m wrote

>once I get the paperwork

Bro you got the paperwork already, they gave you a copy when you got the car. Did you get rid of it?


This_Neighborhood511 OP t1_j6owndq wrote

I did it got lost in the process of moving I asked my mother if she had it I looked everywhere and can’t find it