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93195 t1_j2bi81f wrote

Assuming you have only one employer and one 401K, they’ll cut it off. Do 22%, the last contribution will be reduced to max out.


cool_chrissie t1_j2bktxe wrote

So we use a PEO to mange all our payroll and benefits. We switched in October. I had contributed $15600 with the first vendor. And then today I saw my check and my year to date with the new one is $6357. That’s puts my total at $21947. This new company has been an absolute nightmare to get things done correctly and I think what happened was that they took a contribution from our end of year bonuses which the old vendor never did.

This is obviously over the IRS max contribution. What happens now?


93195 t1_j2bu172 wrote

If you went over, you’ll have to remove excess contributions before you file taxes. Not that big a deal, just let your new administrator know that you’re over, they’ll fix.


cool_chrissie t1_j2bue94 wrote

I did reach out to them today as soon as I noticed. Thanks!