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Ladididadi t1_j1yegyh wrote

From mathematical standpoint, I agree.

From personal experience, I disagree. I would not trade my last 3 years of college in a dorm for a $25k car.

If you get a good job after college, you can afford to buy a $25k car relatively quickly. You may get a job offer in a city that doesn’t need a car. You probably don’t even need a $25k car but can make do with a $10k car.

Money comes and goes but living with great roommates in your own place for 3 years can’t be replaced. This is definitely ‘personal’ finance so definitely weigh all pro’s and con’s for each OP!


leafinthepond t1_j1z8qo3 wrote

Yeah, this also depends on the person. In grad school my friends all lived in one apartment complex and I lived in a cheaper apartment about a mile away. I’m vey shy and missed a lot of social opportunities because of that mile. I paid an extra $300 a month to move into the same apartment as one of my friends and it was worth every penny even though I was a broke grad student.


justhere321 t1_j1zs44a wrote

This is me. My biggest college regret is that I didn't live on campus as least the first year. I missed out on making friends and feeling connected.


SweetAlyssumm t1_j206evz wrote

My last three years of college not-in-a-dorm were memorable. I often think of them and absolutely loved them. Do what you want to do, don't be manipulated through money. You'll buy your own car someday.


Kadalis t1_j20zxmz wrote

Depends on the school. At my college almost everyone lived on campus, so being off-campus wasn't an upgrade.


Unfair_Isopod534 t1_j1yq1wm wrote

This is just anecdotal and your argument reminded me of this story. I worked with this dude that didn't know how to wash dishes. He would have dirty/moldy lunch containers. Apparently he managed to go through life without ever having to do so. In college, he lived in a dorm so all the food came from cafeteria. I don't work with him anymore. I think this is a massive edge case but maybe living in apartment with roommates will force you to learn a thing or two. I have never lived in dorms so my understanding is non existent.