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TyrconnellFL t1_iy8fi0z wrote

You don’t lose money. You can lose purchasing power, but the numbers in the account will always and only go up.


MikeWPhilly t1_iy8fwap wrote

Tomayto , Tomahto - it’s the same effect. I was pointing it out as acting like you aren’t hurting yourself by putting it in savings is a bad idea. Also while you want an emergency fund, just sticking money in savings and not investing is a very bad idea for long term wealth.


barrycarter t1_iy8xc19 wrote

You're correct, but that's like talking about opportunity cost. For anything I choose to do today, there's a chance there's something I could've done something I'd enjoy more. That doesn't mean I've "lost enjoyment": it simply means I don't 100% optimize my life, which I don't think anyone does.

I agree with that you lose money only in a metaphorical sense. I doubt agencies like the FDIC would reimburse you for "losing money" due to inflation