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InteriorAttack t1_iy522s2 wrote

> accredited debt relief?

This means next to nothing. They are just going to let your debts default then charge you for doing it. You can do that for free.

> Total household income varies between $2,400-$3,000 a month

Not even close to being enough. Why is that total? Is there somewhere else making money? You are in bankruptcy territory.


SwpDevil OP t1_iy52mco wrote

So even if I do a debt consolidation which would reduce my monthly payment by $600 a month and stoping the monthly investment, it still won’t be enough? I should also be getting another source of a one time payment of $11,000 within 8-9 weeks hopefully as well after double checking.


InteriorAttack t1_iy53w6q wrote

> So even if I do a debt consolidation which would reduce my monthly payment by $600 a month and stoping the monthly investment, it still won’t be enough?

It's enough if you make it enough. The danger is you pay off the cards with the loan then immediately run up the cards again because you find out you still can't afford to live. It will take a true, dedicated effort to get out of this and not end up in worse shape.


SwpDevil OP t1_iy55v92 wrote

I’ve cut all my credit cards and cancelled all recurring charges on my credit cards already.