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Reinardus_Vulpes t1_iydridj wrote

Honestly since it’s the first job and a way to save money I would do it.

Reasons being that it saves you money. You expect to work overtime and it’s your first job which sounds like you’ll have less of a social life anyways and it’s good to focus on learning the ropes and things College didn’t prepare you for on the job. Plus it’s good experience and can help finding a job after. Additionally I like you mentioned the stress and having support system and I imagine it will get a bit better after a year experience somethings you won’t stress over anymore.

Living rent free and pocketing the money will give you a bigger cushion. Part of that should be increasing your emergency fund since your income is going up your fund needs to as well. This will also allow you to have money for when you do want to travel or move to a larger city you’ll have more than enough for deposit and can come out of pocket without worrying when you will be reimbursed.

You have your whole life to pay rent or a mortgage later on you won’t get many chances to make money while having a almost no cost of living.

I understand being young and wanting cool activities to do, new people to hang with and part of that can be fomo but I don’t think a year is to long if it sets you up for later. Just have the plan and stick to it to leave after a year don’t get sucked into the stability of it if you don’t like the area and still want to explore.


toss37472834 t1_iydzc9g wrote

Yeah and I have a cool job for the summer, so I know I’ll have fun for a bit after graduation.