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continue_improve t1_iudca19 wrote

Use your bank's auto pay as the backup. The whole concept of artificially keeping your utilization low by paying before the report date is OK in principle but practically speaking not necessary. If your utilization is always high without prepaying (say above 30% of overall credit limit), then your credit limit is to low (or your expenses are to high). In this case you need to open more credit cards to increase your overall credit limit.

If you occasionally go above 30%, that is perfectly OK. Your score might fluctuate but will all be transient.

Keep in mind utilization is calculated based on your overall credit limit not card by card.


svdeepak99 OP t1_iudd7n5 wrote

Thanks for your reply. I have set my bank's auto-pay as a backup as you said. And yes I need to get more credit cards to increase my credit limit. In the meantime, I am looking for tools to ensure I keep my usage low (and yes, it does not hurt the credit score as much as missing a due date does).