Submitted by Mrs_WorkingMuggle t3_yebage in personalfinance

I saw a post a few days ago about the website being slow, but now it's not just being slow it's not sending the OTP that will allow me to log in.

Are that many people really taking up the site buying iBonds before rates go down? I mean, I'm one of those people, but I've never had this sort of problem with the site before.

Just wanted to see if anyone else is having these problems.



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ICUpikachu t1_itx28x2 wrote

I had that same issue the other day. Bet it’s just a bunch of people trying to take advantage of the ibonds last minute. There’s been a ton of news coverage on the subject recently


93195 t1_itx29am wrote

Yes, that many people are really buying I bonds before the rate goes down. It was never a robust website to begin with and can’t handle the volume. Only a couple days left. Just keep trying.


Rave-Unicorn-Votive t1_itx2aiv wrote

>Are that many people really taking up the site buying iBonds before rates go down?

Yes. There is literally unprecedented interest in I bonds right now.

>I mean, I'm one of those people

The people posting here with TD problems probably represent a tiny fraction of the people using the site.


Mrs_WorkingMuggle OP t1_itx2l30 wrote

will do, i'll try doing it late at night as suggested on another post. Luckily i've already purchased bonds at this rate, i was just going to try and sneak in another purchase.


Iamdark24 t1_itx2zgi wrote

It's not just you. Servers are overloaded as people are trying to get in before the rate change. Its been all over the news lately so I assume people who have never even heard of TD or knew about I bonds are trying to make accounts and get in on the fun. I suggest trying again later in the evening.


demosthenesss t1_itx4d7t wrote

I seem to also have picked a bad time to buy ibonds :D


NYCspotter t1_itxh8r9 wrote

yeah wild. i made it to the last page of account creation twice and the middle a 3 for 4 times before it just times out. think i will try after midnight


SpeedBoatSquirrel t1_itxn18j wrote

I bought some I-bonds last night at 10:30 pm. You probably need to visit on low traffic periods


pollywantapocket t1_itxnjv0 wrote

Yep, it’s being reported on, too.

> With a Friday deadline approaching, savers trying to buy inflation-protected I bonds — which pay a guaranteed 9.62 percent — are crashing a Treasury Department website.

> This isn’t the first time the site has crashed. It happened in May when the nearly 10 percent rate was announced. The Treasury Department has also had problems keeping up with the volume of calls from people having trouble buying I bonds.


DoctorNeuro t1_itxtwlr wrote

To jump onto this thread, if we buy it before the change in Nov, we're locked in at the previous interest rate for 6 months. After since months, it changes to Nov's interest rate for 6 months. So there's always a 6 month lag on interest rates if you do it now? Oct locks in the 9% for 6months from the May 2022 rate. April 2023 it switches 6%- the Nov 2022 rate. Oct 2023 it switches to the May 2023 rate for 6 months and keeps going like that correct?


encin t1_itxutf9 wrote

twice, I must of filled out the form at least a dozen times.....finally was just able to create an account. Now trying to get the purchase completed...

Edit: Finally purchased!!


eckliptic t1_itxwz2o wrote

Took me 30 minutes of repeatedly trying to log in


93195 t1_itxyg2q wrote

And still only Wednesday. Imagine Thursday and Friday….


Mekroval t1_itxygie wrote

I'm right there with you and u/demosthenesss. I can't even get past TreasuryDirect's homepage without the site crashing on me. They really need to get a web host that can actually handle post-1990s web traffic.

This is insane for a .gov site. :\

Edit: I very fortunately did get through. I posted a suggestion on how to possibly improve your odds of logging in, in this post.


darniforgotmypwd t1_ity8nqz wrote

Yes it's just that slow. Lots of people buying.

Not an effective website for volume use considering the last time a developer load tested it was probably when Netscape Navigator first came out. But rumor has it they are upgrading the server to a whole 1gb of memory next year.


brshoemak t1_itycpjy wrote

FOMO more than likely. People hear about I Bonds because they hear a magical deadline is coming up. They also realize it's a good deal. Traffic picks up and a page times out. The media covers that fact (search Google for examples) and suddenly everyone wants I Bonds.

High demand on a site that looks like it was made in GeoCities 30 years ago causes timeouts and amplifies the FOMO. Vicious cycle.


alwaysbooyahback t1_itydj1k wrote

My favorite part is that this is the upgraded site. Like, I don’t know how much they improved the backend, but the front end was way worse.


Mekroval t1_itygmh8 wrote

A quick update to my earlier reply that I thought might be helpful for u/cobalt-ambedo, u/demosthenesss and OP u/Mrs_WorkingMuggle.

I was fortunately able to login in after multiple tries, setup an account, and purchase my iBond. I noticed that the site was MUCH easier to access after about 1 am Eastern Time (had to stay up late for this). Not sure if it's because traffic to the site is lower, or due to some schedule maintenance they did around midnight Eastern ... but the site worked much faster.

You might want to give the overnight hours a shot if you're able. There's only one night left to try it (unless you're in a position to do it now). But worth a shot.

Good luck to you!


kiamori t1_ityhajg wrote

Its funny people think getting less than inflation in return is a good deal. Much better places to put money. After taxes you're still losing money.


KamikazePenis t1_ityom10 wrote

I just opened an entity account and funded it between midnight and 12:20am PT. Site (and required e-mails) came through very quickly.

I was unable to do anything (completely dead site) for the past few days during normal hours.


93195 t1_ityu47a wrote

If you are married or have a trusted partner to gift with, you can buy future year’s maximum. For example, if you’ve already maxed 2022, you can buy another $10K for your partner as a “gift” to deliver in January 2023. Starts the six months of high interest now, and doesn’t even lock anything up for longer, because ineligible for redemption until October 2023 anyway.

And if you’re willing to lock up the money an extra three months to January 2024….you can buy a third $10K (x2, with partner) now too.


93195 t1_itz659l wrote

You go into TreasuryDirect, you make a gift purchase for someone else. There is no limit on the amount you can buy as gifts, only a limit on what an individual can get in a calendar year, either from purchasing it themselves or receiving as a gift.

So for example, a married couple can each buy their own $10K for 2022, then buy another $10K now as a gift to deliver in 2023, or even another $10K to deliver in 2024. Buying now for 2024 only adds three months to the lock up period, as the 1 year doesn’t run out til October 2023 anyway.

It’s not hard to do, you just register it in their name and check the “this is a gift” box when you buy it.

TreasuryDirect explains it:


93195 t1_itzaj04 wrote

Yup, you get each rate for six months. You got the 7.12% for six months, you get the 9.62% for six months, then you’ll get the soon to be announced rate (likely 7.48%) for six months.

No need to buy more to get the new rate, unless you want more.


homecook_438 t1_itzwf9t wrote

Ugh yea...I just didn't think it'd be this crazy to buy but that's on me! I'm gonna try a bunch of times tonight and maybe early tomorrow morning and if I don't get it, then what can ya do. Not the end of the world.


limitless__ t1_iu0nu07 wrote

CNN just posted an article about it. The site is now hard-down.


kiamori t1_iu1qwfs wrote

You do realize that the I bond rate changes every 6 months and it will likely be less than 6% 6 months from now. So you'll be stuck earning those lower rates for the full 5 years unless you take the early redemption penalty.

I would invest in land before i would put it into US bonds, especially with a major economic crash potentially coming. People always need land, it's a finite resource and the price will always go up especially so for strategic land. Safest is farm land that you can rent out, inflation rate is fairly common for farm land value plus you get a bonus of rent. Something simple like hay fields is good.


6BigAl9 t1_iu1xpk0 wrote

I…don’t think you understand how ibonds work. You get 6 months of the current rate from date of purchase and then 6 months of the next rate. Since I bought this month I’ll get 6 months of 9.62% and then in May I’ll get 6.48% for 6 months. You only have to hold for a year after which point if HYSA is higher I’ll gladly take the 3 month penalty, move it there, and still come out way ahead of any savings account.

I’m not buying them as a long term investment, I’m literally putting property downpayment money there since I’m not yet ready to buy.


kiamori t1_iu253ge wrote

Isn't that exactly what I said?

6 months good interest and then in 6 months you get whatever that rate is... You lose 3 months interest if you sell before 5 years.

What did I state incorrectly?


6BigAl9 t1_iu25o0q wrote

I guess I misunderstood you. We know the next 6 month rate is going to be around 6.48%. I consider 9.62% really good and 6.48% good as well. That averages out to a little over 8% over the year. Let's say I hold 15 months to take into account the 3 month penalty, I'm getting that rate (minus federal taxes). And even if I don't, it's beating any other guaranteed investment.


kiamori t1_iu2hdwx wrote

so max contrib is 15k asuming you do 5k with your return. 15k for 15 months will net you about 16020 after federal taxes.

another option would be to sell "safer" puts, for example lets take tsla, what is the lowest you could see tsla stock in 15 months? lets say 180.00 that would give you a gain of $3500 less $500 after tax and you would need $14,500 to cover the margin balance. You could also close the position at any time if needed.


kiamori t1_iu2mshv wrote

If you wanted to compare the same earnings with tesla puts you would have to go all the way down to a $100 tsla put, tesla going down to $100 is as likely as the fed declaring bankruptcy.