Submitted by BadLuckShoesie t3_yhuo9n in personalfinance

Let’s say I already worked one week of a two week period and normally get paid bi-weekly. Could I ask my boss once to get paid for the first week of what I already worked? Asking because I have to be able to pay for some medication and I already had some unexpected circumstances occur over the weekend. Do workplaces normally allow this if it’s not an every week type deal?



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JellyDenizen t1_iufs5if wrote

Sure you could ask, but your boss doesn't need to agree. If it's a bigger company it can actually be a huge effort to get someone paid outside the normal payroll process.


CQME t1_iuftkxx wrote

Probably easier to put it on a credit card and pay it off next month.


Werewolfdad t1_iufsohr wrote

You’d be asking for an advance. Some employers will do that.


Howwouldiknow1492 t1_iufxsti wrote

Small company owner here. You can ask but it's a big pain in the ass to issue a payroll check outside of the regular payroll cycle. So he'll probably say no. But when asking you can inform him of your unexpected circumstances and he might offer to give you a cash advance. But the best idea is below. Put it on a credit card.


BadLuckShoesie OP t1_iufxzxf wrote

So a cash advance is different from getting a payroll check early?


bradland t1_iufybtb wrote

Yes. Processing payroll usually requires your employer to go through a whole process where taxes are calculated and withholding amounts are added in for various benefits. It’s a huge hassle to do this “out of cycle” for most companies.

With an advance, they’re just loaning you some money out of your next paycheck. They can just deduct it from your regular pay. Much easier.

Edit: just because it’s easier doesn’t mean they’ll do it. If you stop showing up for work, they’re out the money, so there’s some risk.


ArdenSix t1_iufxvh7 wrote

Doubtful, this is what savings and/or credit cards are for. Or worst case, a friend or family member that can front you the cost.


sfdragonboy t1_iug1zry wrote

While I understand the need, don't do this. The pay period is what it is. Your boss is not going to change it for you.


free_helly t1_iug29yo wrote

it creates a lot of extra paperwork. its probably a no.


grokfinance t1_iufxt36 wrote

Ask if they can advance you some of your pay. Some companies (primarily bigger ones) will also have employee assistance funds which can be used for short-term needs like this.


ChiSquare1963 t1_iug418j wrote

If you ask for an advance, ask for the amount you need not the entire week’s pay. Getting more than absolutely necessary increases the chance you’ll struggle to pay bills from next pay check. It sets up a vicious cycle of advance/shortage/advance.