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Werewolfdad t1_iuj98hx wrote

Depends on how much you're saving. For many people, that would be egregious (especially if it doesn't also include utilities)


Werewolfdad t1_iujcit0 wrote

Locking yourself into large debt payments backs you into a corner if anything goes wrong in your life or if you need to make some of change due to an unexpected event. I’d advise tying up half your after tax income in debt payments


jokerfriend6 t1_iujl0y5 wrote

You will be house and car poor. 1/8th your gross income on mortgage and 1/8th your income on car+car insurance. That should be a budget that should allow you to 15% your income for 401K


Grevious47 t1_iujzviu wrote

Hard to say because I have no idea what gets you to your after tax income or what your income is.. Someone asking this question making 180k gross but after maxing out their 401k, child-dependant FSA and HSA would be very different from someone aaking this making 100k with no pre-tax contributions whatsoever.

Thats why typically you should give percentage of gross, its more comparable.