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DocWsky t1_iuijjip wrote

Do you have the original unit listed, and the price stated in writing anywhere? If so, take that to your CC company after the review to dispute the charge. If you have nothing in writing you may be boned.


ChiMello t1_iuikooc wrote

They should at least refund the deposit and the admin fee.

Legally they definitely could not keep the security deposit under the circumstances you describe. Ethically (and possibly legally) they shouldn't keep any of it including the application fee when you applied for an apartment that isn't available due to an error with their system. Keeping the application fee if someone is just turned down for the apartment after they are screened is one thing, your situation is different.


Snoo1560 t1_iuimo57 wrote

No advice except to say I am sorry you are going through this. Minimally, they should return your security deposit. I live in an apartment owned by a large corporation that owns many complexes and they are really hard to deal with. Just keep at it. Perhaps go up the food chain and see if you can get better results there.


IMovedYourCheese t1_iuinchm wrote

Do you have this communication with the management company in writing? If not, start a text/email conversation with them, and once you have all the details of the situation captured in it (including them admitting to the original price, system lag etc.) file a chargeback.


limitless__ t1_iuipxau wrote

They pull the "30 day review process" solely so you are outside your chargeback window. Ask them to refund it within 5 business days. If they do not do so, chargeback.


Liquidretro t1_iuix220 wrote

I'm in your camp here they screwed up, and the right thing would have been to refund you and everyone go on their way. Whatever admin costs they incurred well that would be on them here, as you did nothing wrong.

You really need a copy of their policies. It should be a part of the application and other paperwork you filled out. The language there determines if this is small claims court or a credit card chargeback (assuming it's credit card).

You should also look up what your state/cities renters protection laws are to see if there is anything there that helps you.

The unfortunate thing is regardless of the outcome here, if you have to take legal or credit card chargeback actions, you probably get blacklisted from this company's rental units, which isn't in your advantage long term but may not be a huge loss either.


Curly-sue-404 t1_iuiyl7u wrote

What is the property management company?


INFOborg t1_iujafhk wrote

That's a good plan, but you should still ask them in your e-mail for more details regarding their system update failure, and the circumstances that led to the apartment not being available.

The more info they give you, the easier it is for them to hang themselves.


FireBeyond t1_iujet72 wrote

That doesn't make sense. The manager says they don't have a similar unit and he'd have to downgrade.

"Hey, I know you were looking for 2br apartments, and we said this one is available, just apply for it. Oh, no, we actually have only a studio available, accept the downgrade, thanks."

Can still say 100% their fault, absolutely.


SilverPaladin1 t1_iujlhno wrote

Charge it back. They will lose their credit card processing account if enough people do it. And google review them too.


CodeCat5 t1_iujlzv2 wrote

Chase's website says you have 60 days from the date the transaction appeared on your statement. Which I think is actually pretty low, most cards will give you 180 days.


xboxhaxorz t1_iujmyfk wrote

Dont wait, not sure why other person said to wait, tell the apartment people via email if they dont give you a check within a wk or refund directly to CC, you are filing a dispute

Then post review via google if they have a listing


likethebank t1_iujv1x8 wrote

Ask for them to honor the price on a similar unit, since you already applied. You applied for a specific unit and a specific price. I don’t agree with their strategy here, but they are doing this because they want you to move-in. Not because they want your $400.

Be nice, but firm. Ask them for a complete refund immediately, or to apply the price to a similar unit. If they say no or cannot give you a firm answer, follow up by asking for the Regional Manager’s contact info.

As always, remember to be nice. No one wants to help an asshole. Especially when they are going to see you every month when you pay rent.


Jak_n_Dax t1_iujvz49 wrote

I have heard similar stories so many times…

I swear scummy landlords are trying to turn this practice into an additional revenue stream.


Gravelly-Stoned t1_iujw5x1 wrote

I agree that you should just charge back thru the CC company. I had a bad experience with a theater who canceled a performance and then refused refund ticket costs (they were not cheap) without me going thru third party (PayPal). I had not contact or contact with paypal, so I had no reason or desire to involve them. I emailed Chase and sent documents (theater did email guests on cancellation before event). Chase gave me an immediate credit and forwarded a confirmation three weeks later. Never hear again from the theater or PayPal. Both lost a customer forevermore.


Interesting_Bag_4416 t1_iujwl45 wrote

Be prepared for the charge to go on your credit report. I had a similar situation in 2018 where I disputed an apartment application fee and it showed up on my credit report. I had to pay the fee before getting into a different apartment a year later. I did leave a thoroughly scathing Google review which I am hopeful costed them thousands in application fees.


UndeadOrc t1_iujwmt2 wrote

Part of that was the security deposit for an apartment they aren’t renting to you? I saw in the other post, this is Florida? You are treating them with too much leniency, this is a scam. I wouldn’t pay for more than 30-50 in application fees and if I’m paying a security deposit its because I have signed a lease. If they aren’t a chain place, chargeback if you can, and report them wherever is appropriate then warn others.


No_Tension_280 t1_iujzomc wrote

There are time limits to chargebacks, I think. Be careful. Get everything in writing