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nobbyv t1_jee65ue wrote

Why would you need to go to the used car dealership? Your family member who was dumb enough to sign for you is on the hook for the car. You can continue to pay them back for it or not. End of story.


kaiser1025 t1_jee68m5 wrote

To get the tag. They already paid for it. I'm still going to pay them back, as previously agreed.


SwordfishTough t1_jee6u3o wrote

What do you need the tag for? (This might be a state specific thing I'm not aware of)


kaiser1025 t1_jee75qa wrote

I just remember reading about it being illegal to possess one without it assigned to a vehicle? Or something


SwordfishTough t1_jee7hn4 wrote

I see. I recommend confirming the requirements first before you do anything.


nobbyv t1_jee7hs0 wrote

If you already have a plate, you should be able to have it assigned to the new car. But this is immaterial if the car is totaled. A car doesn’t need to be registered to “exist” (which is won’t for much longer anyway); it needs to be registered for you to drive it on public roads. Which you can no longer do.


kaiser1025 t1_jee7n39 wrote

Yeah its registered. I had been using the temp paper tag. Then they called me yesterday telling me I can pick it up. The accident was 3 days ago