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Btetier t1_jeamoh4 wrote

What does this comment have to do with the post? Obviously it won't affect you if you are making 260k a year....


throwawaybusinesstax t1_jearko5 wrote

>What does this comment have to do with the post? Obviously it won't affect you if you are making 260k a year....

Well, the person asked "How does one stay sane after all these prices increases? It’s out of control"

I am just sharing my opinion that I feel totally sane. I am not affected.

The OP isn't asking for only the opinions of those who can't stay sane.

Are the ones who aren't affected not allowed to comment?

Are you only allowed to comment if you are affected by prices?

Last time I checked this was a message board where anyone can post their opinions.

So now people can't comment afford they aren't affected? Of course it answers the post directly.

You just don't like the answer and are salty.


Does that bother you? So just because I make money I can't comment that it does not affect me? LOL


Btetier t1_jeas1wu wrote

Lol no, I'm not salty, it's just funny that you think this was useful in any way. Clearly if you can afford to live your life happily, which if you make 250k a year then you still do, even after inflation then you aren't the target audience of the question. It's not really that hard to understand, but I guess I already knew that even if you make good money it doesn't make you smart.


throwawaybusinesstax t1_jeau91w wrote

Is it "useful" to add to the thread that you are also broke and also can't afford anything as most of the other posts in here? How is that useful?

The other comments in here aren't useful. They are simply commiserating that they can't afford things. How does that add value?


Btetier t1_jeay9e7 wrote

It adds value because they relate to the situation that OP is in, and allows them to see that there are people struggling just like them. There are also comments giving some tips as well that provide help.