Submitted by Intelligentzombiie t3_12751yz in personalfinance

I currently make $78,000 a year and I work in insurance. I joined this company in June of 2022, so I've been with the company for about 10 months. Before joining, I spent 5 years with another insurer. I take pride in my work and I do my best to work hard and adapt to changes in my environment. I've spent almost a year with this employer and I'm fed up. Their system are primitive, their expectations and targets are unrealistic and they keep complaining about employees not being able to action items within the timeline proposed when they have their own counterproductive processes in place and make their managerial staff review EVERYTHING, even for employees who have many years of experience.

In addition, they've begun implementing very strict auditing practiceswhich are harsh and excessive. It is the equivalent of micromanaging every single file and finding faults with it. They then proceed to email my manager, her manager and all the other managers about it to make light of all the things wrong with the file.

I'm am also not getting the support I need from my manager because she's usually off dealing with issues in her personal life and when she is in the office, she is hardly ever available to chat. At our one on one discussions she seldom brings up issues or red flags with my performance but as soon as an auditor analyzes my performance, they bring up many issues that are not in line with their standards and expectations but these expectations were not clarified by my manager.

Lastly, the culture here is dormant. I'm the only member of the team who starts group discussions, tries to engage the other members or assist with any questions that come up with the role. I feel lonely alot of the time, feel like I'm working on an island.

I have friends who have gone to another insurer and the only reason I'm hesitant to try and go there is that I've been with my current employer for about a year. The other employer pays better, same benefits as well and the role is the same. Grass is greener situation? Maybe but I'm hoping for a little objective advice. Appreciate your time and thankyou for reading.



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Deep_Introduction_88 t1_jecpilk wrote

Can you go back to your old company? Or the company your friends are working at? I’m so sorry that’s happening to you, unfortunately that’s how 90% of businesses work and I can’t stand it. I would try to find a new job for sure, especially if it’s making you unhappy and affecting you’re mental health. No paycheck is worth your health & time. Especially if you could be getting paid the same if not more to be dealing with a lot less stress and annoying things


Intelligentzombiie OP t1_ject8zz wrote

Hey! Yes absolutely. I'm torn because I can go the company my friends work at but I'm feeling conflicted because I haven't been there for a year yet. I know that businesses have to maintain their standards by implementing audits and other processes but its too much. I feel like I'm drowning everyday and alot of the processes are unnecessary. I think I'm going to try to interview for the other company!


Deep_Introduction_88 t1_jecwukg wrote

I get it! I worked for a company I absolutely hated working for, I tried to stay for a year but after 2 months it was unbearable. So I quit and now I’m so much happier where I am. You sound like a really good employee though, for wanting to be there for a year and trying to figure things out I don’t have the patient for that so I respect! Can you maybe talk to HR or another manager about what’s going on? If not then I would look for more jobs because it’s so frustrating working for a company who doesn’t listen to you


Intelligentzombiie OP t1_jecxz6q wrote

In sorry you had to go through that as well. I've always taken pride in my work especially because I'm the breadwinner in my family. I wantes to ride it out for a year and really give the company a chance but I think it's time to throw in the towel.

I have friends who went to another insurer and they're willing to help get my CV across so I'm hoping things work out. With the primitive systems, unnecessary processes and unrealistic expectations, I'm constantly drowning. Thanks for sharing your experience!


prettyeyez0705 t1_jecyu8m wrote

my opinion it seems evident your unhappy with your present employer. Why stay stagnant in a role that may cause stress, confusion and a toxic workplace. I also work in insurance auto/ nine years with my employer and i have never even looked at another insurance carrier. Am I always happy? hell no..I complain too often- lol 😂 However, in the greater perspective the employer has been very good to me over the years and I have an abundance of flexibility- so I suck up my indifferences and just try to remain optimistic .

I hope you make the choice, you will be at peace with whatever that maybe 🤗🤗


Intelligentzombiie OP t1_jed362y wrote

Hey hey! Thanks for sharing. I was a PD adjuster for a year as well and it's not an easy job. I totally understand that claims are busy, no matter where you go but it's the employer and the culture that help get you through the day. I've applied to the other employer, hoping I hear back! Thanks for sharing.


Achilles19721119 t1_jed889q wrote

Flip 10 months is more enough time to know if you will like the job.


dzakich t1_jedkla8 wrote

You didn't say a single positive thing about the job, even in retrospect. It is time


medhat20005 t1_jegaho9 wrote

In today's environment if you have marketable skills then moving (even within a year) raises nary an eyebrow. Also, it's def possible to throw shade (politely) at said employer when you interview for a new position. But don't waste time being unhappy if there's something you can do about it.