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micha8st t1_jegmvwu wrote

do you like your loans?

Howabout you split the difference: pay double the minimum on your loans.

We always paid extra towards principal for our car loans and the mortgage.


bj1231 t1_jegyt8s wrote

I think you need to research the cost of the loan versus what you can do with the money that you have saved. For example can you invest in the stock market now and look for a big upturn in the stock market in the lyrics to and therefore make more money than the cost of your loans.

A quality decision needs a little more research and a little pencil work


satans_toast t1_jego1ac wrote

Can you pay off any one loan completely? If you can, do it and get that satisfaction. If not, I like the other idea of doubling your payments in those loans.


scrooooooooooge OP t1_jegoh3d wrote

I could pay off both completely, but it would dwindle my investment money (leave me basically just with my emergency fund)


Qylere t1_jeh2aqv wrote

Pay it off. Then all your money is yours. Plus you’ll feel amazing as a debt free human


Bear_nuts t1_jeh3oqi wrote

Depends , can you make investments that can pay off your monthly principle and the insurance on top of it ? If not pay it off until you can get to the point where the money you get from investments takes care of your payments though investments, otherwise just pay it off


PersephNoob t1_jegkpt5 wrote

Pay off your car, it’s a no risk way to make 4.14% on your “investment” if you know what I mean and any competent person would take that. Same with student loans since their is no chance of forgiveness.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_jegyolz wrote

Except you can literally put that same money in a savings account now and make more than that


cakeandale t1_jeh2k23 wrote

That’s generally good advice, though for right now 4.14% is near the balance point for savings vs debt. Savings interest is taxed as income, and if OP is in the 22% tax bracket ($44,725-$98,375) they’d need to get 5.3% interest to breakeven post-federal-tax (likely slightly higher depending on state taxes).


PersephNoob t1_jeh13ma wrote

Show me a savings account making 4.79%, and your not considering the simple risk of debt.


DifficultyNext7666 t1_jeh1t28 wrote

You said car. And I can easily show you a savings account making 4.5. And pretty soon I'm sure we'll see them over 5


PersephNoob t1_jeh1x79 wrote

Whatever man, stay broke with all your “good” debt.


scrooooooooooge OP t1_jegl24t wrote

Yeah that's true I guess from the perspective of me already paying them off at that rate, it would be a 4+% "investment"