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insight7777 t1_jegjkom wrote

If your parents are letting you stay there for free be very very grateful. Thank them for that. Also make sure you are doing more than your fair share of chores/work around the place. It was unclear if your girlfriend also lived there. If so, make sure she is also helpful. They are doing you a big favor

The cheapest and I think best option is to continue to live with your parents. This option allows you to put the max amount against the debt and get it paid off as quickly as possible.

You can make a few percent here and there by not paying off the loans …but don’t think it is that much if you run the numbers. I think the satisfaction of being debt free is worth way more than the few dollars you may make by not paying off the debt as fast as you can. Being debt free feels awesome!

It’s too soon to buy a house Also you don’t want to buy a house with a girlfriend. That’s a bad idea. Can get messy and complicated

You have $50,000 saved. Wow Good job 👍

If it was me Thank my parents!! Keep living with parents Pay off car loan Pay off student Loans but maintain a $20,000 emergency fund Keep working on paying off remaining student loans Don’t think about moving out until all debt is paid Get a second job

Good luck!!!!


SocalGSC92 t1_jegkbx1 wrote

That’s what I would do. Focus on car first before student loans pick up, and maybe pay off a chunk of student loans before August so principle is lower while there’s no interest and probably shave off a couple months at the end of the loan. But still save more for the downpayment as you do this. And I wouldn’t do it all at once with that $50K