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sunny-day1234 t1_jacujdg wrote

What's your deductible? Look online, I had to replace a bumper a few years ago and it was $1500 to replace, my deductible was $1K and it was my fault so I opted to pay it myself. Based on info I got online which estimated my insurance may increase for 3 yrs, even as first and only claim in years. The prior one was not my fault, an AT&T truck rolled into me from behind at a red light.


katefromnyc OP t1_jacwm8c wrote



sunny-day1234 t1_jaczyjh wrote

I don't think they will cancel you, they 'can' do anything they want though. You would likely lose the discount and if you wanted to switch may not be accepted for a few years or pay higher premiums. Hartford did cancel my Dad's insurance after he put in can't remember 2 or 3 claims over a few years close together when he got into his 60s.

Not sure if they treat it like they do Home Owner's but we had a claim due to a natural sort of disaster (like 3+ feet of snow over a month and ice dams, had to have roof shoveled +++), then lightning struck a tree in the neighbors yard and caused damage I called but ultimately it wasn't enough to file. Just that call was recorded and counted. When I tried to change insurance companies I had to wait two more years because I 'had 2 claims on the record within a 3 yr time frame'.