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Win-With-Money t1_ja7u081 wrote

If the rental management is worried about your sibling's income and they still won't allow them to rent after your parent's offer to co-sign, it may be two problems:

  1. Too much in rent

  2. Not enough income

Perhaps you could convince your sibling to move into somewhere cheaper or at least manageable? Co-signing is a scary game even with a good relationship. In fact, it usually can ruin a good relationship.


Financial-Boot3317 OP t1_ja7uoy5 wrote

My parents have applied and trying to cosign but are currently getting the runaround, not sure if it will be a yes or no for them :/ suspect that it’s related to student loan debt for my sibling and I and other debt idk about


Win-With-Money t1_ja7wbtm wrote

This seems like something you should definitely pass on and maybe show some "tough love" by not co-signing. I would highly recommend to you to ask your sibling to move somewhere cheaper.