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blahol8900 t1_jae2w8f wrote

Which state are you in? Landlord/tenant laws would significantly affect my answer to this questions.

Market rent is $2400 minus payment of $2100 puts you at $3600 per year before maintenance expenses + tenant turnover expenses. I could easily see this evaporating to $0 with those in mind.

You’re also confident that you have $70k of cash equity in house which, conservatively invested will net you $2,100 of income within headaches.

Also the fact that you can utilize the primary residence tax deduction (once every two years) and basically walk away with a tax free gain of over $70k (depending on improvements made, etc).

Appreciation is what you’re giving up hard to predict / peg.

On the flip side: you could rent it for a few years and then 1031 exchange it into a better neighborhood if that’s your main concern.