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virtual_adam t1_j6gamth wrote

The difference between someone here for 6 months and here for a decade has always been the ability to navigate your life towards the good places

Sounds like you’re self inflicting this on yourself by going to the places you feel are scams

Not all markets are like that, not all bodegas are like that. be a regular at some places and they’ll actually give you better than average treatment. And don’t tip if you don’t want to. Most people don’t tip on a cup of coffee.

leave the custom tip at restaurants, how many even have that mobile machine? Not that many (Maman is the only one I can think off


k1lk1 t1_j6gfhx3 wrote

This is spot on.

Figure out what the scammy stores are in your neighborhood, and don't go there. Figure out the restaurants that constantly get your order wrong, and either check on it before you leave, or don't go there.

Also, keep an eye on the register and if something doesn't seem right, just say you don't want it. I picked up some unlabeled asparagus once and when it rang up as $7.99 I just said I'm sorry, it's too expensive, I'll put it back. Problem solved.

NEVER feel guilted into tipping what the machine requests.


nycpb1 t1_j6ggtul wrote

Eh. I’ve been here my whole life. I used to think this way. Ppl would complain, but I always just said they didn’t know where to go. Now it seems like there’s no reasonable cheap places left.