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Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j5kjrsq wrote

Had a friend victim of hit and run by an Uber on Center Street. A year of surgeries and hospitalizations. Police gave zero fucks and advised to hire private investigators to see if any businesses had security footage .


IntelligentCicada363 t1_j5m8tf3 wrote

This is why all the talk around deaths is so disingenuous. Getting hit by a car going any speed is going to fuck up your body, probably for life.


Alert_Engineering_70 t1_j5mign4 wrote

So true. Fucked up for over a year. Lost job. Painful surgeries, nasty infections, loss of mobility will never be able to do the same stuff again. Was fucked up to see the constant pain and suffering. I kept thinking somewhere is a piece of shit Uber driver who ran someone over, condemned them to a year of suffering and they are getting away Scott free. I was shocked about how the police didn't even do a fucking thing . When the detective said to hire a private investigator I was floored. I also couldn't help thinking if that was Cuomo's daughter (or insert anyone famous here) how no resource would be spared to catch the perp. They did tell us, well if you were killed then we would do a full investigation. Not kidding. But I'm naive , I had no idea that the resources dedicated to something is totally political . Just to add, I have 2 dogs and would be devastated if some idiot in a car/truck kill them, so condolences. The bigger point is the city doesn't car if s person is hit, so a dog is really down the list