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961402 t1_j3wc6ph wrote

Reply to comment by parkerpyne in Remember NYCTrainSign? by hampelm

I think they don't mostly because I believe the target group for these things are likely transit nerds.

The MTA website or CityMapper works well for most of us and we don't need a sign on the wall that tells us that the next Queens-bound R train will be there in ten minutes.

I guess the other target audience are companies etc. that want to remind you that they are NYC-based. I can very easily imagine seeing one of these on the wall in the common area of a Bay Area office of an NYC-based company.


parkerpyne t1_j3xsltk wrote

>I guess the other target audience are companies etc. that want to remind you that they are NYC-based. I can very easily imagine seeing one of these on the wall in the common area of a Bay Area office of an NYC-based company.

Oh, yeah, a total gimmick. But it's the kind of thing that corporations love to put into their common office areas to appear cool and edgy to guests.