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Pushed-pencil718 t1_j68whzu wrote

Agreed. Being in a person’s presence is totally different.


ICantThinkOfANameBud t1_j68zf0g wrote

It depends completely on the person receiving the help. I do virtual mental health visits because I feel weird being in a room with a practical stranger speaking about why I want to kill myself, but virtual visits remove that issue for me.


light_rapid t1_j69n8hh wrote

Another very subtle thing one may not consider, is that to complement your point of the virtual visit, you as a client are potentially in a much more comfortable space that you are familiar with. For some, the process of commuting to see a specialist can be stressful, in contrast to doing a video call where you can prepare yourself at your comfort level, environment(s), and conditions.

Obviously different strokes and preferences for different folks, though giving people options versus outright-nothing are steps in the right direction!


laurasaurus5 t1_j69x1vy wrote

On that note, students might not have their own room or private quiet space at home where they can feel safe discussing personal issues. I haven't read the article, but hopefully the schools can provide an area for this.