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InvaderMixo t1_j5phzym wrote

Why don't they tag their own shit instead of other people's buildings or community spaces?


l0uisebrooks t1_j5rrxqy wrote

People have been tagging shit for thousands of years. Plenty of examples from Ancient Rome (recovered walls from Pompeii, for example). Seems to be a thing some humans just like to do.


InvaderMixo t1_j5s6dan wrote

In modern times, they can by a board from a hardware store and make artwork to put in their room.


l0uisebrooks t1_j5ttdbg wrote

Ancient Romans had walls in their home to scratch on. Point is, this is a thing some humans do, it has nothing to do with the time. ETA I don’t like tagging since that wasn’t clear.


InvaderMixo t1_j5ua9vd wrote

If I remember my art history, 'grafitti' was specifically political messages written on walls in public spaces like the Roman Forum. I'm not so sure it would make sense for it to appear in people's residences.

We use the term now metaphorically to cover spray paint tags that are self-aggrandizing.


l0uisebrooks t1_j5un6jg wrote

Self-aggrandizing graffiti is not new.

I’d encourage you to look into the long-standing practice, it’s fascinating. This article has some insight in what was found in Pompeii— Pompeii is such a great source because it was frozen in time; samples weren’t selected and passed down. The trashy bits remain.


OGPants t1_j5pk5iv wrote

Bc is more fun to ruin someone else's property
