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_Maxolotl t1_j63cpty wrote

The weight allowed for opioids is too much.
Half an ounce of heroin is much more than a personal use quantity of heroin.

Decriminalizing that amount means any street level dealer who knows the details of the law could only be arrested during a controlled buy, not if they're searched for some other legitimate reason.

Lower that weight limit. Create more safe injection sites.

Otherwise this seems like generally good policy change.

This part is definitely good:

"SB2340 would also repeal two other laws in New York: one that makes it a crime to inject someone else with drugs, even with their consent; and another that makes everyone present liable for a drug possession charge if drugs are found in a car or in a room."

Absolutely insane that you can get charged for possession for being in the same room as a controlled substance, and we all know that a law like this mostly gets used as leverage against underprivileged people in plea bargaining or other forms of legal arm twisting.