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accidentalchai t1_j0jne9s wrote

I'm Asian American and wore a mask in indoor spaces while traveling around Europe this Fall and also still sometimes in NY...unfortunately, I've gotten people being nasty to me as a result. Not sure if they are extra nasty because I'm Asian and wearing one but after awhile, it gets annoying and exhausting so I've actually stopped wearing one because I don't want to deal with the hostility.


Where-is-J t1_j0rn6sb wrote

Please don’t let that stop you from wearing a mask. Better safe than sorry I always say. Unfortunately lack of information still runs rampant. Earlier this year, I had to school someone who was berating my friend to take off their mask since Covid infection rates were down. Shut them right up when she learned my friend is undergoing chemo and is wearing a mask to protect her weak immune system. It was pretty satisfying.