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Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1i8s6c wrote

Southern Brooklyn is establishing itself as a redoubt against Progressive and African American dominated Democratis machine politics. Its demographic mix of established Italian and Irish communities along with with the developing Asian block are a problem for Democrats.


Everyoneeatshere t1_j1jgrve wrote

What are you talking about


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1nkisw wrote

Just making shit up


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1ptceg wrote

Malliotakis (R) beat Rose for Congress; Chang (R) beat Abbate for Assembly.

Mike Tannoussis (R) Assemebly Rep. Michael Chang (R) won State Senate.

Vegan Branan (D0 won City council by less than 1%, all of them "Write ins".

The area supported Adams for Mayor. Bay Ridge and Brownsville were united to defeat Brownstone Brooklyn.

I get downvotes for saying the truth. Politically speaking, the area is different.


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1qeg23 wrote

Brownsville is not United with Bay Ridge. That’s likely why you’re getting downvotes. It’s complete rubbish. They have back the blue and trump rally’s in bay ridge soon. That shit wouldn’t make it a half block in Brownsville


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1u5c3h wrote

In the case of Adams, Brownsville was united with both Bay Ridge and Breezy Point. Adams did well in all those areas. His appeal is to working and middle class outer borough voters. It's hard for the Brownstone crowd to digest (because Progressives look down on working people in BayRidge/SI and because they see themselves as looking out for ethnic and racial minorities).


ThreeLittlePuigs t1_j1v5e2g wrote

Yes I know that people voted for him in Brownsville but for a myriad of different reasons. I know it’s hard for people who don’t spend time in these neighborhoods to know that, but actually Adams spent a shit ton of time in Brownsville building relationships for his campaign


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1zw8bp wrote

At the end of the day, no one cares the reasons. What matters is who won. Adams got support from places like Brownsville and East New York as well as Bay Ridge and Staten Island. He didn't do well in Astoria or Park Slope.


darklordpotty t1_j1l1gba wrote

From Fort Hamilton/Bay Ridge, thru Bath Beach/Coney Island, and across Gravesend to Brighton Beach and Sheepshead Bay, Democrats are doing worse and races are getting tighter, perhaps due to a growing Asian population.


Everyoneeatshere t1_j1mh4l4 wrote

Asians historically vote democrat. However the democrats have been ignoring the Asian concerns/working class concerns. By and large, Asians still vote democrats


Dont_mute_me_bro t1_j1psvv1 wrote

Bay Ridge and neighboring Dyker (where I am from) has a growing Asian population. Max Rose lost to Malliotakis; Vegan Brannan barely beat Rose; Brooke-Krasny and Frontus; Chang and Abbate. Seeing a trend here?