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FarmSuch5021 t1_j29z62g wrote

How this guy is not even embarrassed. Even Republicans called him out for his lies


LittleKitty235 t1_j2addx4 wrote

I don't think people who suffer from psychopathy feel shame. If he needs to I'm sure he can mimic it


WatchesAndNYC t1_j2b0s6a wrote

I think you guys are being too nice. All the evidence so far is indicating he and his entire campaign was funded from another country trying to gain seats in Congress. It’s a national security issue that he’s in congress.


leg_day t1_j2cdc0i wrote

Ship him and his shitbag husband to Russia, then. Maybe Santos can find evidence of his mother's 9/11 obituary and Jew-ish family there.

I'll chip in $100 for airfare.


danhakimi t1_j2bcrpw wrote

Really? I haven't seen any indication of that, can you please clarify?


north7 t1_j2bfe0w wrote


danhakimi t1_j2cfy9d wrote

Eh. This article is about tens of thousands, and Santos raised millions. That's not the funding for "his entire campaign." It's too much money to take from an oligarch, but it went through a relative and then through PACs, which is... really how this thing usually happens, not a sign that he was a russian plant or a national security threat (although he kinda is, just because he's lied so damn much that nobody knows who he is anymore).


Remarkable-Peak-420 t1_j2dz53t wrote

There is a much bigger question on how he went from making $50K per year just a few years back to having over $11 million to his name. There's credible evidence that his personal new wealth was via different benefactors.


unicornmullet t1_j2aw1fi wrote

This guy was brazen enough to lie about having connections to 9/11, the Pulse nightclub shooting, and being a descendent of Holocaust survivors. He feels zero shame.


weech t1_j2cjbf8 wrote

He also invented the question mark and banana bread.


Double-Ad4986 t1_j2e2p5y wrote

didn't even BOTHER to cover his could he literally say 9/11 claimed his mothers life when in 2016 he deadass tweeted "5 years since my mothers death" like what the fuck


Gold--Man t1_j2eplzu wrote

There's nothing wrong with changing your race or ethnic group. He can be part of any group he wants to be and unless we do DNA tests, we have no idea who is what anyway.


sunflowercompass t1_j2avf12 wrote

Not even investigations of pedophila with Matt Gaetz matter. Roy Moore barely lost the primary at 48%


carl_pagan t1_j2bhtnw wrote

Roy Moore won that primary, but lost the special election for senate


FarmSuch5021 t1_j2avpsy wrote

Because these Republicans are too privileged. Fuck them


lakehop t1_j2az6ak wrote

How did his Democratic opponent not make this a major campaign issue? Big failure there


PurpleSailor t1_j2b4mev wrote

You can't even shame Republicans these days for doing bad thinge so there's no way you can embarrass one. If it were me I'd have that kid caught with their hand in a cookie jar look on my face.


lafayette0508 t1_j2c832r wrote

and of course they have a stupid nickname for him, such an R thing to do


anonyuser415 t1_j2airz2 wrote

The story in question:

It's pretty thin on any details, and mostly focuses on the financial issues with his campaign. Unfortunately, I kind of assume almost all major politicians have financial skeletons in the closet; I doubt this would have even gone on my radar if I'd seen it at the time.


Freddy-Sez t1_j2al0ic wrote

At the very least, there’s enough smoke here that you’d think it would’ve tipped off a news outlet with more resources. Or an interested party who could put it on a newsroom’s radar.

In addition to Zimmerman’s campaign, this whole thing is really a tough look for Newsday, imo


fe2sio4 t1_j2befh0 wrote

They probably didn’t think he’d win


Eurynom0s t1_j2bq9mh wrote

They thought it was going to be a GOP landslide in the House and were more interested in covering that angle.


Rottimer t1_j2d103k wrote

I mean, it eventually did. The NY Times story had to have taken awhile to confirm all the facts that they did.


londonschmundon t1_j2azly1 wrote

Agreed. major failure on part of the so-called investigative journalists at the NY Times.


Souperplex t1_j2b0015 wrote

"Why didn't Dems or reporters realize this guy was full of shit?" Nobody is blaming Republicans anymore, we've all accepted this is what to expect from them.


eekamuse t1_j2blmw0 wrote

Everytime I see someone mention the democrats failure to notice or use this I can't stop thinking that they're missing the point. Focus on the lying criminal who got elected and will have some degree of power, and will be supported by Republicans because they need his vote. Bigger issue.


biggreencat t1_j2abzo2 wrote

and yet its readership voted for him.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j2c68zm wrote

They saw R and voted. Folks don’t care anymore about the candidate. Trump was accused of raping a teenager with Epstein.


leg_day t1_j2cdjy4 wrote

I mean, Trump openly admitted to grabbing women by the pussy and won. But, you know, Hillary sent some emails.


RichardSaunders t1_j2cinbt wrote

trump had the secret service stay at his ailing properties and charged taxpayers a premium for it


biggreencat t1_j2dodf2 wrote

do they care now? i wonder


CrumpledForeskin t1_j2eemwn wrote

Unfortunately, no. It was just about winning. Trump was a means to an end. They’ll throw him away as soon as something crazier comes along. See: children with toys


downonthesecond t1_j2cp8sl wrote

vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo


biggreencat t1_j2drkxg wrote

vote red till you end up dead.

vote red to silence your head.

vote red because someone else shit your bed.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j2eebwc wrote

Dude the difference is one side wants healthcare for everyone and the other wants their religion to rule the land. It’s not the fucking same.


CrumpledForeskin t1_j2eecfx wrote

Dude the difference is one side wants healthcare for everyone and the other wants their religion to rule the land. It’s not the fucking same.


diabillic t1_j2bqyao wrote

brian krebs did some digging on this, a few snips here:

TL;DR(taken from another of his posts): Both of the addresses that Rep. George Santos listed on his source of wealth (Devolder Organization) are connected to a guy apparently tied to pyramid scheme busted up by the FTC this summer, and a Ponzi scheme busted up by the SEC last year.


Blackspeare41 t1_j2c0hbz wrote

Lying during a campaign for government office is tantamount to perjury!!


MelodyMyst t1_j2c3hc8 wrote

So where was the media the first time he ran in 2020?

People keep saying that the NY DNC and the local media dropped the ball on this guy.

Did both those organizations drop the ball on this guy TWICE? In back-to-back elections?

Honestly at this point I’m theorizing that the DNC knew he was fake as fuck and let it play through. If he lost again it was no problem. If he won they could drop he dime in him and make republicans look bad.

I’m not generally into conspiracy stuff but this story doesn’t make much sense.

I’m supposed to believe that the NY DNC missed this guy twice in a row?


[deleted] t1_j2cdtqk wrote



MelodyMyst t1_j2cgz7d wrote

That’s horrible.

I’m super interested in this story because I live in Georgia and just went through Herschel walker. Which was disheartening enough.

But to then see this story in all its similarities and how much worse I believe santos is than Herschel. I’m furious.

I hope the people of that district hit the streets to demand answers and justice. Don’t wait for the feds to drag their feet through another investigation. If you don’t make a BIG ASS STINK… RIGHT FUCKING NOW… you will be saddled with this guy while the wheels of justice grind slowly along.

This needs to be stopped right now.

If there is anything I can do to help from down here let me know.

Really. I can make some phone calls, send some emails. Who is there on the ground right now making noise? Hook me up with them.

The more people, the louder people, all the good people need to get together and get this rotten lying possibly foreign backed FAKE HUMAN BEING out of L.I and into a jail cell somewhere.

Sorry for the rant. This guy has git me really upset


williamfbuckwheat t1_j2ct8ew wrote

The NY Dem leadership was way more concerned about fighting progressive candidates in the primary than actually making sure they won the general election.


TonyzTone t1_j2csr1i wrote

Suozzi probably didn’t run much oppo research. He was an incumbent, with amazing name recognition, in a district that favored him, in a period of time that favored Democrats.

This time more research was done and it was being sent out in press releases since August m.

Also, it’s not the DNC that focuses on Congressional races. It’s the DCCC (they had a detailed memo on him in August). And “NY DNC” doesn’t make sense.


jacobeatsavocados t1_j2e5s2f wrote

George Santos lied about multiple things. The protests are necessary.


khcampbell1 t1_j2dugrx wrote

All Newsday is good for is high school sports coverage.


KaiDaiz t1_j2bx362 wrote

Honest answer, NY Dems didn't see this guy a threat and will win the district. They were comfy and complacent despite not getting the redistricting map they wanted. The final map was still favorable to them and they believed it. His Dem opponent def wing the election and though he had it in bag bc their campaign barely made a presence in queens.


TonyzTone t1_j2cshth wrote

You couldn’t be more off base. His opponent was raising flags but no one cared. The DCCC, which runs Congressional campaigns (not the NY Dems) had put out a press release in August.

This was all being talked about but you didn’t see a single article about it because the journalists dropped the ball.


KaiDaiz t1_j2e4kcs wrote

zimm drop ball too...barely campaigned in queens thats a fact. also still on them not a singe attack ad regarding this. keep driving the msg . they drop ball. acting like it was non caring Rs who voted the guy in. Santos won by flipping or sidelining Dem voters in district particularly the asian voters and Dems did nothing to counter. All these news about Santos after the election and all this lack of action? Thats on dem especially Zimm, campaigns matter...he ran a terrible one


No-Lynx-9211 t1_j2bvmay wrote

He's gonna win, liars always succeed.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j29wqlc wrote

Until after the elections, the mainstream media just didn’t care about this because they were too busy pushing their own propaganda.

Edit: Hey there New York Times employees.. I see a lot of downvotes once your employer got mentioned in the replies.


BraveSirZaphod t1_j2aslpw wrote

"Everyone who disagrees with me is a New York Times employee" is a new one for me, gotta say.

You might consider the wild possibility that, rather than conspiracy against you, you simply said something unpopular.

But nah, I'm sure They™ are just out to get you. That must be it.


Souperplex t1_j2azw9z wrote

I wish I was a NYtimes employee, it'd pay more.


JudgeJuryJncos t1_j2a977r wrote

There were 500+ congressional races and 10000+ local races across the country. There aren't enough reporters in the world to cover every person. Blame the Zimmerman campaign for not doing a better job campaigning on this stuff


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2aisl3 wrote

Zimmerman pointed all of this out. He also ran a grassroots issue focused campaign. He did all the right things. The problem here is Republican voters who have no standards and no shame.


kbeks t1_j2bet8h wrote

He absolutely did NOT run a grassroots issues focused campaign. I didn’t get my turn out the vote call until litterally two or three days before Election Day. Laticia James got ahold of me a week before that clown. He mailed a few flyers during the primary and then I never heard from him again. I saw zero signs, heard zero ads, and received next to zero mailings. He was a bad candidate, that’s why he lost a heavily democratic district to a scam artist and a clown.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2bh2rb wrote

>heard zero ads

Yeah, nothing says "grassroots campaign" like running ad spots in a hyper expensive media market.


kbeks t1_j2bq0ok wrote

So what constitutes a grassroots campaign? Door knocks that didn’t happen? Rallies that didn’t happen? Phone banks that didn’t happen? Yard signs that didn’t happen? He didn’t do shit, that’s why he lost.


JudgeJuryJncos t1_j2ak4nk wrote

If he did a good job of pointing out his opponent was a not Jewish guy with fake college credentials and a mom who died on 9/11 in 2016, we would have known about it before the election.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2akyqv wrote

Again, Zimmerman pointed out that Santos was a fraud before the election. Republican voters didn't care.


charliehustles t1_j2avqr8 wrote

And Santos isn’t some new entity here. He ran for the seat back in 2020 and lost to Souzzi. He’s been around for awhile and it seems like nobody, press or opponents, delved deep enough into the guys record. He put up just enough front to get passed.

How about we stop ragging on Zimmerman or the press here and blame Santos for being the deceitful piece of shit who lied every step of the way for years and years to get elected to Congress under false pretenses.


kbeks t1_j2bf0zo wrote

Because Zimmerman was bad at his job and lost to this guy. If he won, we wouldn’t be ragging on him.

I expect lying and deceit from republicans, especially the brand of republicans in my district. I don’t expect incompetence from my democratic candidates.


KaiDaiz t1_j2ejsdj wrote

> . Republican voters didn't care.

Some lost cause copium you got there. District was historically a reliable blue district. Santos couldn't have won without flipping Dem voters or turning them away from polls. Fact is and still is, Dems did terrible - didn't counter successfully, didn't campaign and winged it. They pissed away whatever ammo bc they were comfy and thought they win regardless.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2epcdh wrote

Saying Zimmerman didn't campaign is objectively false. He was rallying with Schumer and other big names up until election day. These narratives miss the mark massively.


KaiDaiz t1_j2epzrp wrote

yes such a presence that with barely any signs from him present in queens. ask anyone in queens or was there...he was absent.


KaiDaiz t1_j2erhgc wrote

yes so effective and aggressive campaigning that didnt prevent his flock from switching their votes or bother to was ineffective and not enough but please keep defending his failed campaign. he failed to turn out his flock and kept them in line, end of story. its the only reason why santos managed to win, he turn the voters.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2ex409 wrote

I fully expect someone pushing these kind of narratives to frame politicians as having "flocks" with quasi-religious devotion. Bet you feel really good about manufacturing things to get upset about instead of focusing on the actual fraud that took place.


KaiDaiz t1_j2eylcg wrote i shocked Rs lied? nope. Do I expect Dems to fight and even harder armed with info? yes...did they fight this midterm hard enough? NOPE.

Santos was a joke but you know what else was even bigger joke? NY Dems and Zimm campaign this midterm but do continue to simp how well they fought.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2ez1gq wrote

Yeah, the person running a genuine and issue focused campaign was the problem, not the possibly criminal fraudster. Real hot take right there.


KaiDaiz t1_j2ezeuk wrote

um by your account the opponent was a total fraudster, never should of won, easy win... how did Dems lost and even some of their own voters switch to that guy? again total failure from the campaign and party to allow this result.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2f12hr wrote

>how did Dems lost

Setting aside the questionable English here, the answer is that right wing voters didn't care about the fraud, which Zimmerman and local news outlets had pointed out before the election. I know that's inconvenient to your narrative, though, so I'm sure you'll continue to disregard the role right wing voters and the Republican machine paid in facilitating this fraud.


KaiDaiz t1_j2f1umo wrote

They had to turn Dem voters to win district - either their vote or turn them away from polls...which they did. Again who i blame for the side switching? Dems lack of effort. Stop acting its all mindless R voters who didn't care and just voted for Santos and thats how he won


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2f6hpc wrote

Nah, they didn't. They just had to turn out right wing voters, which they did. You stupidly assume that politics is zero sum, despite all evidence to the contrary.


d2d2d2d2d2 t1_j2aa2jr wrote

How many congressional races for districts in the five boroughs? The New York Times doesn't have "enough reporters" to do even basic coverage of the races in its home city? Seriously?


[deleted] t1_j2ae6bk wrote



charliehustles t1_j2aia1p wrote

D3 includes North East Queens. It is a NYC race, not to mention a shit load of its constituents work in the city. Final vote tally is 250,000+ which is more than some other districts with their borders exclusively within NYC.


HashtagDadWatts t1_j2aixc3 wrote

Doesn't this district include part of queens?


DuplicateUser t1_j2b4lr9 wrote

I live in Eastern Queens and this insurrectionist liar is my congressman-elect :(.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j2actt6 wrote

The New York Times had plenty of staff.

But some of the reporters were out on the streets of NYC trying to fish for quotes like “I feel safe and never worry about crimes”, which was obviously more important to them than covering candidates like Santos.


NetQuarterLatte t1_j2ad8kx wrote

The Zimmerman campaign was on record saying they pushed those issues with Santos to the mainstream media, but no one wanted to cover this before the election.


Freddy-Sez t1_j2alr7f wrote

All the major NYC outlets definitely deserve criticism for whiffing on this, but if the Zimmerman campaign did a better job getting this stuff out there we would know about it. No outlet would intentionally spike a story this good


1should_be_working t1_j2arujg wrote

Imagine simping for this guy. New low for you guys in the GOP but you'll find the bottom of the barrel soon, you're clearly trying so hard to find it!


graveyardromantic t1_j2bop64 wrote

I always love seeing your comments. It’s like some kind of morbid fascination. Like a train wreck but I can’t look away.


Rottimer t1_j2d1f8n wrote

I for one, applaud every time he makes a comment that's not how crime-ridden NYC is. I think it's hilarious that in this case, he's blaming the NY Times for not exposing a criminal quickly enough. Nothing about the criminal behavior itself. . .


Silver-Hat175 t1_j2bjl9w wrote

You try soooo hard to make hot takes to sound smart and you always fall flat on your face. Give up.


Vexvertigo t1_j2bm3hf wrote

Or, you know, you’re getting downvoted for a different reason. Like people think you’re being kind of crazy