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[deleted] t1_j1wy44i wrote

Jewish law actually defines what makes someone Jewish, so having Ashkenazi DNA alone isn't enough to qualify.


brownredgreen t1_j1z7aol wrote

Well hold on. Jewish Law determines who is Jewish hallukakly (no i cant spell yiddish words)

A Jewish mother, or conversion, is what makes someone religiously Jewish. But plenty of self identified Jews, who live Jewish lives, had a Jewish father, and never formally converted.

Now, Santos can get fucked, he's a liar.

BUT. Who is a Jew? Is not actually a question with a singular answer.


tinydancer_inurhand t1_j1wybml wrote

Oh I know. Just saying I can see him doing this. I have 1.4% but would never identify as Jewish because 1) I def don’t meet the Jewish standard and 2) that would be soooo disingenuous


AnacharsisIV t1_j1xuimu wrote

If that 1% was somehow transferred entirely matrilineally wouldn't he count though?


brownredgreen t1_j1z7evu wrote

Not exactly, a Jewish mother or conversion equals Jewish, from a certain point of view.

But 1% DNA from a Catholic Mother? Not Jewish.