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pixel_of_moral_decay t1_izoj3xp wrote

This is a common model in much of the world.

NYC libraries struggle because that’s how the city likes it. That’s not opinion. That’s fact.


LoneStarTallBoi t1_izolpqo wrote

Lmao no its not. It's a feature of the model but it's not the entire model. All of those library systems that have pick up/drop off services also invest heavily in their main campus and branches.

You're just parroting shit you heard in a TedX talk from a some asshole who wants to turn libraries into a business.


shhhhquiet t1_izp1enn wrote

What you're saying is definitely not a fact. Mall kiosks are a thing (and the US has them too, sorry to bust that narrative.* But that's not the same thing as it being 'a common model in much of the world.' They're useful in areas that can't support a full library. In cities, they're mostly pointless, because the population is dense enough to have an actual library. They'd be an extra here, not a replacement for a full service library.

I'll ask you again: do you use libraries? Because picking up requests is not even in the top five things people visit my library for.