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MarbleFox_ t1_izogsqp wrote

> AUtHORITArIAnIsM!!1!!1!1!

Screams the one suggesting we should’ve forced children to go to school during the deadliest pandemic in US history.


sysyphusishappy t1_izoidzg wrote

Oh. So Sweden, Florida, and most of Europe "forced children to go to school" and they were fine. How can that be if your authoritarianism worked so well?

Btw you never did find that data that showed "thousands of dead kids" in Sweden huh? You ever think that your government talking points are outdated and wrong?

Maybe you should look at the actual science to find out what the IFR is for children and COVID.

Btw you do realize that safety is the excuse that pretty much every authoritarian leader in history used right?

Or are you arguing that lockdowns, arresting people for walking in the park, demanding to see papers to eat in a restaurant, banning parties and funerals, the government deciding which workers are "essential", forcing people to take big pharma products or risk getting fired, were not authoritarian?