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Rickbox t1_j0y3se2 wrote

I always wonder the same thing. With that being said, maybe it's different at private school, but why is everyone getting the impression that admins are overpaid? I've spoken to many, including directors, and they all tell me they could be making way more in industry. Faculty as well. You go on /r/academia , they'll go off on how terrible their pay is.


neuromantik8086 t1_j0zvkqc wrote

There's a big difference between rank and file administrators and upper-level administrators. Most people do not make this distinction when discussing how overpaid administrators are.

Many of Columbia's executives, for instance, used to come from the for-profit sector (one of them even used to work in for-profit higher ed as general counsel for Kaplan University). These executives have different expectations about compensation than career higher ed administrators.