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treesareweirdos t1_j0vwtlp wrote

True, but NYC’s subway is also underrated even compared to other systems around the world. The extent of coverage and the 24 hour service is amazing.


yoshimipinkrobot t1_j0wl9up wrote

You don’t have to make this trade off. Other systems have automated 24 hour coverage and 3 min wait times between trains

The unions have ossified the system and stopped its advance


gamelord12 t1_j0wvyee wrote

3 minute wait times sounds ambitious, but I'd be happy with 10 or 12 on the weekend instead of 20.


WantedFireBlast t1_j0ywz4o wrote

Imagine blaming unions instead of economic austerity of public transit funds.


magnus91 t1_j0z1ro0 wrote

We shouldn't have 24/7 service tho, or it should be limited. One of the failings of the subway is it hard to do maintenance because all the tracks are always in use. System would run better if they could do maintenance from 2am-6am.


yesfb t1_j0w8aeg wrote

i'd rather have 12 hour service that worked consistently than 24 hour service that's half assed, expensive, and seriously can't be depended on


wwcfm t1_j0waif0 wrote

I doubt people working non 9-5s agree.


yesfb t1_j0xcksn wrote

this I wholeheartedly agree with, my bad