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AlwaysChic38 t1_j0a5qk0 wrote

Can I ask you about what it’s like living in NYC?

I’m in grad school in TX to be a mental health therapist (I absolutely love it!!). I am partially blind and in small rural TX transportation is horrible. Which makes everything else much more difficult. You can’t be as independent nor functional as a person without great transportation. Texas isn’t feasible for someone with a disability who can’t drive.TX is severely lacking in numerous areas especially for those with disabilities and lgbtq.

I honestly don’t mind paying more for a greater quality of life as a visually impaired person.

I’ve been doing a lot of research on states with opportunities and great transportation; NYC seems to be at the top concerning walkability and public transportation.

What’s your take on the transportation systems, walkability, culture, weather, amenities, and anything you’d like to discuss concerning NYC??

Thank you so very much for taking the time to answer my questions!!!!🖤


iv2892 t1_j0br2e5 wrote

Well it is expensive unless you move to a relatively unsafe neighborhood, so if money isn’t the issue. It’s really great, transportation is excellent, you can get anywhere in the city via subway, buses , scooter, bikes, Uber, taxi , etc. Weather depends on your taste , really cold and sometimes snowy winters, hot and muggy summers .


iv2892 t1_j0br9kn wrote

You can also try r/askNYC and you could get more answers from different users