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TwoCats_OneMan t1_izo0rfa wrote

Because the /r/nyc mods are terrible.


MajorFogTime t1_izpocbg wrote

I just got shitcanned so I am free to be honest now and... most of the mods are actually really nice people. You wouldn't believe the crap that they deal with on a daily basis (especially when anything controversial comes up).

It's really hard to balance moderation when both sides are screeching at you about how shitty of a job you're doing. If you go too far one way, the other side gets pissed and vice versa. No making everyone happy, I suppose.


TwoCats_OneMan t1_izq8ohi wrote

Oh man, I never thought about that. It must be really difficult to be a reddit...snicker, snort...mod. Oh, god, thank you for that laugh today.