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crammed174 t1_j2ap5vq wrote


GettingPhysicl t1_j2ax05k wrote

Every time - every single person here is a disabled single LGBT POC LLC mother with 3 babies all with special needs that need to be driven to different boroughs for the special needs appointments and 17 parents all of whom are in a wheelchair and all also have special needs.

I have never heard someone frame themselves more as a victim than when someone mentions their cars should not be subsidized.


crammed174 t1_j2ax6ey wrote

What in the hell are you babbling about.


GettingPhysicl t1_j2axldf wrote

That everytime any cost is incurred to drivers or an implication that they should use public transportation they will remember and embellish every single vaguely difficult thing about their lives in the justification of why they cannot possibly use public transportation and also why the cost to own a car in nyc should always be kept artificially low for them


crammed174 t1_j2aylg3 wrote

OK, but you can go on your delusional rants elsewhere. I didn’t even know that there was a gas tax holiday unfortunately, whatever the prices of gasoline is, I’ll be paying it. I wasn’t saying come subsidize me with the life-changing $.40 a gallon. But on top of that if you want to talk shit about New York, we all subsidize public transit because our disgusting MTA steals billions of dollars a year and it’s subsidized with taxes, whereas every other public transport system in the world runs clean trains and stations, efficient, and self-sufficient.

Oh, and lastly I don’t drive to work. But doesn’t mean you can say stupid shit about people’s needs or health. I don’t talk shit about people that wanna bike or take a bus or a train or a car and maybe you should elevate yourself to be that kind of person as well.


actualtext t1_j2bmxjt wrote

> whereas every other public transport system in the world runs clean trains and stations, efficient, and self-sufficient.

Doubt the self sufficient part. Public transit needs to be subsidized with taxes to an extent. It’s just a matter of how much a government is willing to subsidize. Trying to make it break even or profitable will lead to a system that will price people out and just incentivize car driving. But I do agree that the MTA really should be restructured and their spending scrutinized more.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2bjzjh wrote

No one ever had children or grew old in an urban area without a car ever. It's never been done in all of human history


crammed174 t1_j2bwbfy wrote

People also don’t have a roof over their head or food on the table. I don’t see the argument there. Absolutely people lived without a car before and now but if it makes your life easier, and you want it, why wouldn’t you utilize it? The problem with you people is that you have a problem with someone else doing it. It’s mind boggling how hate filled you people are and just don’t see it.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2byuur wrote

I don't give a crap if anyone drives. Drive all you want. It's when you start crying about traffic and parking spots and bike lanes and this and that...that's when you should start thinking about giving up your car because obviously it's too much for you to deal with. The fact is they are building more and more bike lanes and taking out car lanes to expand pedestrian space and add space for non car drivers. Cars are a luxury not a need. And we would all rather you give up your car than hear you cry about parking and traffic incessantly.


crammed174 t1_j2c1lds wrote

Did I do any of that? That’s why I said people like you have a real problem. You deal in absolutes and that’s a problem and an asshole thing.

Regarding Traffic, it’s a New York thing. Subways have traffic in one way tunnels. Transportation is forever fucked in this city. There was traffic 50 years ago with less than half the amount of cars. There’s traffic for no reason that seemingly opens up with no accidents or road work to explain it.


SolitaryMarmot t1_j2c8om9 wrote

Lol really you have never heard anyone complaining about bike lanes or the open streets program or street parking being removed? Never? Well God bless you


blacktongue t1_j2dncnl wrote

Oh shit everyone in my neighborhood with a car is an elderly disabled person with 2 kids?


D14DFF0B t1_j2aq9jh wrote

I do have little kids.


crammed174 t1_j2asuv8 wrote

Then I’d recommend trying out a car to get them place to place with the strollers and diaper bags and all. Unless you live in Manhattan with endless taxis and subways a few steps away. Then a car would actually cost more.


D14DFF0B t1_j2b77og wrote

Walking is a thing. You should try it sometime.


flightwaves t1_j2df1ct wrote

What if I told you people have the technology to explore far away places without multi-day walking treks.


crammed174 t1_j2b8vcw wrote

Never heard of it. My car is parked in my living room and I drive down my 3rd floor walk up right into grocery stores even. Don’t need to find a shopping cart. The idiocy is beyond me.
