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the_real_orange_joe t1_iwm6klj wrote

What are they actually striking for? The article said they were striking for a contract + cleaning up the kitchen. It’s not even clear to me why keeping the kitchen sanitary would be an issue for management.


PKMKII t1_iwmhp5t wrote

Cleaning supplies cost money, costs money to pay people to clean it, management doesn’t want to pay for that.


dq9 t1_iwmn0d5 wrote

I worked for a multinational table service restaurant chain when I lived in Florida. I don't want to name them. One time our last broom broke and our cheap ass GM refused to buy a new one. That asshole made us use our hands to "sweep the floor". We couldn't use gloves either because those also cost money. Super glad I don't work for that company or live in that shit hole state anymore.


the_real_orange_joe t1_iwmqy88 wrote

The distinction is that most chains are franchises whereas Starbucks is 100% corporate. Seems like a repetitional risk to the company for their flagship to be associated with black mold and bugs.


PKMKII t1_iwmtj07 wrote

Maybe the greed got the better of them. Could also be thinking, “we’re a respected national chain, people won’t believe we’d have sanitary issues.” (Like you’re doing right now).


emotionalhaircut t1_iwmzzb1 wrote

Wouldn’t management want to pay for it since they work there too? I think it’d be like…upper management or corporate management screwing over the retail staff, no?


PKMKII t1_iwnqmvm wrote

That’s the thing, upper management pressures the store managers to maximize profits