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Ok-Elderberry-3704 OP t1_iwcrpi4 wrote

Yes, I tried this. I called the places they referred me to. Waiting to hear back.

Thank you


NYMNYJNYKNYR t1_iwd1iql wrote

You could try the institute for family health. They have offices all over the city. They have mental health clinicians who can hopefully see you quickly


woodcider t1_iwddyth wrote

I second Institute for Family Health. I use them for all my healthcare needs.


OxytocinPlease t1_iwdlkm4 wrote

Hey OP! If you want to just talk to someone while you wait to hear back, I’m happy to take the call and just hang out on the phone. DM me if you’d like!


Zxebn t1_iwepsrm wrote

It's been hours now. I hope they are okay.


___pa___ t1_iwe28oz wrote

I posted above but I am a professor at a CUNY college - talk to a professor you get along with or your department chair. There are quite a significant number of services including emotional as well as financial. I know we have emergency funds for students just for this type of reason so your college likely does as well. Plus plenty of counselors. CUNY can be a big help.


bringdatassherenow t1_iwg40be wrote

Try primary care doctor and get a referral to a psychiatrist.

Sounds silly but deep and slow breathes will help you calm down when the kettle is boiling over. Exercise helps tremendously as well!

Practice mindfulness and be honest with yourself and/or the psychiatrist about what is causing you stress (finances, job, school, etc)

Break it down and see if you can build back in a way that allows you to move forward with all goals and priorities.

Also, try CBD if possible, but its a crutch no a solution. Best of luck!