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_Cantgetanyworse_ t1_iw8xdkh wrote

Randall's Island is barren as hell. Just repurpose it. It could be a decent homeless shelter if staffed properly. What a waste of money to dismantle it.


Wowzlul t1_iw93ev9 wrote

While I'm all about new residential, there's nothing on Randall's that a homeless person could use to make themselves not homeless. No retail, no employment opportunities, no local residents to interact with and build community, nowhere to go really except some parks.


_Cantgetanyworse_ t1_iw96fln wrote

The UES of Manhattan and Astoria are but a stone's throw from Randall's in either direction so it doesn't need to specifically contain all of those elements imo. That's a fair point though.


Wowzlul t1_iw979d2 wrote

Could always set up some kind of bus service yeah


talldrseuss t1_iwc4y0c wrote

They are given MetroCards to take the bus. The stop is right by the shelters


mall_goth420 t1_iw93rnd wrote

There already is a large shelter up there, we might as well repurpose the camp


Wowzlul t1_iw94pms wrote

Did not know that. I know there's all kinds of structures and institutions the city considers undesirable like mental hospitals, but a homeless shelter I was not aware of.


talldrseuss t1_iwc4v0k wrote

There are multiple shelters in the north part of the island


buttheadini t1_iwd6n3v wrote

There’s 3 shelters there already. And a state psychiatric hospital.


PiffityPoffity t1_iwc149a wrote

It’s extremely inconvenient to be assigned to the existing shelter on Randall’s Island. You can’t reasonably expect homeless people to turn their lives around when it’s so difficult to commute to work.