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darkknight915 t1_ix909mi wrote

Yea I’m sure that cutting our driving lanes to add bike lanes is going to make traffic lighter. However I don’t believe in fairy tales so, that doesn’t make sense.


gamelord12 t1_ix91b8y wrote

Oh, is this the first time you've ever heard of induced demand? Give it a Google. We've got so much data proving that taking lanes away from cars in favor of things with higher throughput like bus only lanes and bike lanes actually does wonders for reducing traffic. And definitively, the thing that does not fix traffic is adding more lanes for cars.


drpvn t1_ix987yd wrote

We should remove some bike lanes—it will reduce bike traffic!


gamelord12 t1_ix9a1jr wrote

The threshold for how many bikes would have to be on one street to cause what could be considered "traffic" is so much higher than cars that I doubt you've ever seen it in this city. And that, once again, is because bike lanes provide higher throughput.

But at this point, you're just trying to avoid admitting that you were wrong. It's cool; induced demand is a somewhat unintuitive concept at first, but we know it for a fact, and it's why there are advocacy groups for bike lanes, which are for multiple forms of micromobility, by the way; not only bikes.


drpvn t1_ix9a6t9 wrote

I’m just tossing in a gratuitous joke about the reflexive invocation of induced demand.


gamelord12 t1_ix9agbh wrote

Demonstrating your complete lack of understanding, yes.